methods: { Readonly
connect: { Connect is used to establish a connection between the node and a mesh.
from rpc v1.AppDaemon.Connect
I: typeof ConnectRequestReadonly
O: typeof ConnectResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "Connect"Readonly
disconnect: { Disconnect is used to disconnect the node from a mesh.
from rpc v1.AppDaemon.Disconnect
I: typeof DisconnectRequestReadonly
O: typeof DisconnectResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "Disconnect"Readonly
dropDropConnection deletes all data stored for a given mesh connection.
from rpc v1.AppDaemon.DropConnection
I: typeof DropConnectionRequestReadonly
O: typeof DropConnectionResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "DropConnection"Readonly
getGetConnection retrieves the parameters and current status of a connection in the daemon.
from rpc v1.AppDaemon.GetConnection
I: typeof GetConnectionRequestReadonly
O: typeof GetConnectionResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "GetConnection"Readonly
listListConnections retrieves the parameters and current status of all connections in the daemon.
from rpc v1.AppDaemon.ListConnections
I: typeof ListConnectionsRequestReadonly
O: typeof ListConnectionsResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "ListConnections"Readonly
metrics: { Metrics is used to retrieve interface metrics for one or more mesh connections.
from rpc v1.AppDaemon.Metrics
I: typeof MetricsRequestReadonly
O: typeof MetricsResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "Metrics"Readonly
putPutConnection stores the parameters for a connection in the daemon.
from rpc v1.AppDaemon.PutConnection
I: typeof PutConnectionRequestReadonly
O: typeof PutConnectionResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "PutConnection"Readonly
query: { Query is used to query a mesh connection for information.
from rpc v1.AppDaemon.Query
I: typeof AppQueryRequestReadonly
O: typeof QueryResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "Query"Readonly
status: { Status is used to retrieve the status of the daemon. This includes a map of known connections and their statuses.
from rpc v1.AppDaemon.Status
I: typeof StatusRequestReadonly
O: typeof DaemonStatusReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "Status"Readonly
typefrom service v1.AppDaemon
Generated using TypeDoc
AppDaemon is exposed by nodes running in the daemon mode. This mode allows the node to run in an idle state and be controlled by an application. The application can send commands to the node to execute tasks and receive responses.