methods: { Readonly
lookup: { Lookup a public key by ID or alias. If the ID is not found, the request will fail.
from rpc v1.Registrar.Lookup
I: typeof LookupRequestReadonly
O: typeof LookupResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "Lookup"Readonly
register: { Register a public key with the registrar. An alias can be provided to make it easier to lookup the public key later. If the alias is already in use, the request will fail. This method can be used to change the alias of a public key by providing the same public key with a different alias.
from rpc v1.Registrar.Register
I: typeof RegisterRequestReadonly
O: typeof RegisterResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "Register"Readonly
typefrom service v1.Registrar
Generated using TypeDoc
The registrar service can be used as a means of providing off-network storage of public keys and other information. This is useful for (and should only be used with) public-key derived ID authentication where one might want to register simpler aliases for a public key. This service could eventually evolve into a full key-server, but for now it is just a simple registrar.