methods: { Readonly
getGetMeshGraph fetches the mesh graph. It returns a list of nodes, edges, and a rendering in the dot format.
from rpc v1.Mesh.GetMeshGraph
I: typeof EmptyReadonly
O: typeof MeshGraphReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "GetMeshGraph"Readonly
getGetNode gets a node by ID.
from rpc v1.Mesh.GetNode
I: typeof GetNodeRequestReadonly
O: typeof MeshNodeReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "GetNode"Readonly
listListNodes lists all nodes.
from rpc v1.Mesh.ListNodes
I: typeof EmptyReadonly
O: typeof NodeListReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "ListNodes"Readonly
typefrom service v1.Mesh
Generated using TypeDoc
Mesh is a service that can optionally be exposed by a node. It provides methods for interfacing with the webmesh from the outside.