methods: { Readonly
apply: { Apply is used by voting nodes to request a log entry be applied to the state machine. This is only available on the leader, and can only be called by nodes that are allowed to vote. This is only used by the built-in raft storage implementation.
from rpc v1.Membership.Apply
I: typeof RaftLogEntryReadonly
O: typeof RaftApplyResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "Apply"Readonly
getGetCurrentConsensus returns the current Storage consensus configuration.
from rpc v1.Membership.GetCurrentConsensus
I: typeof StorageConsensusRequestReadonly
O: typeof StorageConsensusResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "GetCurrentConsensus"Readonly
join: { Join is used to join a node to the mesh.
from rpc v1.Membership.Join
I: typeof JoinRequestReadonly
O: typeof JoinResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "Join"Readonly
leave: { Leave is used to remove a node from the mesh. The node will be removed from the mesh and will no longer be able to query the mesh state or vote in elections.
from rpc v1.Membership.Leave
I: typeof LeaveRequestReadonly
O: typeof LeaveResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "Leave"Readonly
subscribeSubscribePeers subscribes to the peer configuration for the given node. The node will receive updates to the peer configuration as it changes.
from rpc v1.Membership.SubscribePeers
I: typeof SubscribePeersRequestReadonly
O: typeof PeerConfigurationsReadonly
kind: ServerStreamingReadonly
name: "SubscribePeers"Readonly
update: { Update is used by a node to update its state in the mesh. The node will be updated in the mesh and will be able to query the mesh state or vote in elections. Only non-empty fields will be updated. It is almost semantically equivalent to a join request with the same ID, but redefined to avoid confusion and to allow for expansion.
from rpc v1.Membership.Update
I: typeof UpdateRequestReadonly
O: typeof UpdateResponseReadonly
kind: UnaryReadonly
name: "Update"Readonly
typefrom service v1.Membership
Generated using TypeDoc
The membership service is exposed on storage-providing nodes to allow nodes to join and leave the cluster. This service is meant to be made available publicly to allow people in from the outside.