ADMIN_API is the feature for the admin API.
from enum value: ADMIN_API = 4;
FEATURE_NONE is the default feature set.
from enum value: FEATURE_NONE = 0;
FORWARD_MESH_DNS is the feature for forwarding mesh DNS lookups to other meshes.
from enum value: FORWARD_MESH_DNS = 10;
ICE_NEGOTIATION is the feature for ICE negotiation.
from enum value: ICE_NEGOTIATION = 7;
LEADER_PROXY is the feature for leader proxying.
from enum value: LEADER_PROXY = 2;
MEMBERSHIP is the feature for membership. This is always supported on storage-providing members.
from enum value: MEMBERSHIP = 5;
MESH_API is the feature for the mesh API. This will be deprecated in favor of the MEMBERSHIP feature.
from enum value: MESH_API = 3;
MESH_DNS is the feature for mesh DNS.
from enum value: MESH_DNS = 9;
METRICS is the feature for exposing metrics.
from enum value: METRICS = 6;
NODES is the feature for nodes. This is always supported.
from enum value: NODES = 1;
REGISTRAR is the feature for being able to register aliases to node IDs and/or public keys.
from enum value: REGISTRAR = 13;
STORAGE_PROVIDER is the feature for being able to provide distributed storage.
from enum value: STORAGE_PROVIDER = 12;
STORAGE_QUERIER is the feature for querying, publishing, and subscribing to mesh state.
from enum value: STORAGE_QUERIER = 11;
TURN_SERVER is the feature for TURN server.
from enum value: TURN_SERVER = 8;
Generated using TypeDoc
Feature is a list of features supported by a node.
from enum v1.Feature