Network represents a Webmesh network.


  • Network



client: DaemonClient
connected: boolean

connected is true if the node is connected to the mesh.

details: null | ConnectResponse

details are the details of the connection.

id: string


  • get domain(): string
  • domain returns the mesh domain of the connection.

    Returns string

  • get fqdn(): string
  • fqdn returns the fully qualified domain name of the connection.

    Returns string

  • get ipv4Address(): string
  • ipv4Address returns the IPv4 address of the connection.

    Returns string

  • get ipv4Network(): string
  • ipv4Network returns the IPv4 network of the connection.

    Returns string

  • get ipv6Address(): string
  • ipv6Address returns the IPv6 address of the connection.

    Returns string

  • get ipv6Network(): string
  • ipv6Network returns the IPv6 network of the connection.

    Returns string

  • get nodeID(): string
  • nodeID returns the node ID of the connection.

    Returns string

  • get params(): Required<{
        id?: string;
        meta?: Required<undefined | ({ fields: Required<{ [x: string]: Required<{ kind: Required<{ value: NullValue; case: "nullValue"; } | { value: number; case: "numberValue"; } | { value: string; case: "stringValue"; } | { value: boolean; case: "boolValue"; } | { ...; } | { ...; } | { ...; }>; }>; [x: number]: Required<...>; }>; })>;
        params?: Required<undefined | ({ authMethod: NetworkAuthMethod; authCredentials: Required<{ [x: string]: string; }>; addrType: ConnectionParameters_AddrType; ... 13 more ...; getType: Required<...>; })>;
  • parameters returns the network parameters.

    Returns Required<{
        id?: string;
        meta?: Required<undefined | ({ fields: Required<{ [x: string]: Required<{ kind: Required<{ value: NullValue; case: "nullValue"; } | { value: number; case: "numberValue"; } | { value: string; case: "stringValue"; } | { value: boolean; case: "boolValue"; } | { ...; } | { ...; } | { ...; }>; }>; [x: number]: Required<...>; }>; })>;
        params?: Required<undefined | ({ authMethod: NetworkAuthMethod; authCredentials: Required<{ [x: string]: string; }>; addrType: ConnectionParameters_AddrType; ... 13 more ...; getType: Required<...>; })>;


  • connect connects the node to the mesh.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • disconnect disconnects the node from the mesh.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • drop disconnects the node from the mesh and drops the connection from storage.

    Returns Promise<void>

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