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Wmctl Pki Init

wmctl pki init

Initializes the PKI for a cluster using mTLS

wmctl pki init [flags]


      --admin-expiry duration   The expiry to assign the Admin certificate (default 2160h0m0s)
      --admin-name string       The subject name to assign the Admin certificate (default "admin")
      --ca-expiry duration      The expiry to assign the CA certificate (default 8760h0m0s)
      --ca-name string          The subject name to assign the CA certificate (default "webmesh-ca")
  -h, --help                    help for init
      --key-size int            The key size to use for the CA and Admin certificates (default 256)
      --key-type string         The key type to use for the CA and Admin certificates (default "ecdsa")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --basic-auth-password func     The password for basic authentication
      --basic-auth-username func     The username for basic authentication
      --certificate-authority func   The path to the CA certificate for the cluster connection
      --client-certificate func      The path to the client certificate for the user
      --client-key func              The path to the client key for the user
  -c, --config string                Path to the CLI configuration file
      --context string               The name of the context to use (default "flags")
      --id-auth-key func             The path to the ID authentication key for the user
      --insecure                     Whether TLS should be disabled for the cluster connection
      --ldap-password func           The password for LDAP authentication
      --ldap-username func           The username for LDAP authentication
  -d, --pki-directory string         Path to the PKI directory
      --prefer-leader                Whether to prefer the leader node for the cluster connection
      --server string                The URL of the node to connect to
      --tls-skip-verify              Whether TLS verification should be skipped for the cluster connection


  • wmctl pki - Manage the PKI for a cluster using mTLS
Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 7-Nov-2023